Event Takeaways

How to win on Amazon, looks at Amazon as part of a broader shopper ecosystem and in this context how to make it an effective and essential part of the connected experience your brand delivers. In the report we share the need-to-knows, as well as practical guidance on optimising your Amazon content for higher engagement and conversion. We also dissect real-world examples to provide you with key take-outs you can implement into your Amazon strategy. It is just a snapshot of the approach we practice as we help brands optimise this essential platform.

A 10-year growth spurt in just 8 short weeks

Amazon’s dominance of e-commerce is undeniable. In 2019 it accounted for 50% of all online sales – with COVID-19 only reaffirming that leadership position as the world increasingly shifted their shopping habits from physical to digital environments.

In the US, the surge in online shopping at the start of the pandemic prompted a 10-year growth spurt in just 8 short weeks – similar figures also applying across the UK and much of the globe.

Amazon trajectory

Amazon’s role has also evolved considerably since its inception. It is no longer just used to ‘buy stuff’. Shoppers now visit the platform to start product searches, compare prices, research features and read reviews before they buy. In many ways Amazon is the new Google. This platform is set to follow this trajectory continuing to be at the forefront of change. For a lot of brands, how they to choose to respond to this is likely to be critical to their success.

The 7 shopper science principles you need to know

Before pumping money into Amazon media, there are key shopper science principles that need to be considered. We will investigate how to apply these principles within the context of Amazon.

We all know the 5 Ps of the marketing mix, but the emphasis slightly changes when we consider each pillar within the context of ecommerce and Amazon.

Proposition, Place, Promotion are the best points of focus for effectively executing the shopper marketing principles on Amazon.

In order to clearly demonstrate the effectiveness of these principles, we conducted research and put these ideas into practice using real-world examples. Through CreativePulseTM* – we asked 150 UK Amazon shoppers their behaviours, preferences and opinions, comparing both existing and optimised Amazon product pages as stimulus.

*A research platform that considers target audience, location and suitability before qualifying each respondent and surveying via an interactive online questionnaire.

non optimised amazon product

optimised amazon product

Having applied our shopper science principles to sub-optimal brands on Amazon to create best practice pages, the respondents were given both the ‘before’ and ‘after’ examples and asked questions about each.


Brand assets must be leveraged on Amazon to ensure a coherent and engaging shopper experience, that differentiates you from competitor offerings and ultimately increases penetration. Amazon now provides a lot of opportunities within the A+ page and brand shop to do this, which need to be taken advantage of.


Content must be deployed effectively. Amazon pages must not only be tailored to the target audience’s motivations and purchase drivers, but also optimised to the Amazon platform’s specifications and algorithm to prompt visibility in organic search.with lower-margin FMCG products. By making other products in your portfolio visible you can increase basket size, build brand preference and encourage loyalty.


Cross-selling will make or break your business on Amazon, especially with lower-margin FMCG products. By making other products in your portfolio visible you can increase basket size, build brand preference and encourage loyalty.

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