
Cracking the complex consumer journey

A pragmatic approach to commerce marketing

Decoding the droves of data shoppers produce at every touchpoint might seem an impossible task. Yet, unpicking the insight from all that information, and turning it into effective, standout communication, remains the Holy Grail of commerce marketing.

As consumers, we’re exposed to an average of 3,000 brand messages per day, many of these foisted on us in the supermarket, and increasingly online and on our social media. It’s therefore becoming harder than ever before for brands to stand out and truly cut through.

Now combine this with the fact that we only process a tiny fraction of everything we see, constantly deselecting visual information, leaving only a small percentage to be processed in the end. On that basis, brand and retailer communications have a slim chance of actually being noticed, and the chances of a shopper acting upon it are even smaller.

So, strategies often fail to connect information with impact.

In short, brands and retailers need to get better at seeing things through the eyes of the shopper.

At Initials CX we’ve developed some guiding principles to deliver more effective communication through the right touchpoints and at the right time, both online and instore.

Rather than a one-size-fits-all or ‘matching luggage’ approach, we advocate adapting the message to give the shopper what they need, at the moment they need it. There’s no point in communicating an emotion based, above-the-line message when the shopper is keen to compare different features between brands.

Put simply, we believe in the power of words and visuals, working together.

These principles have shaped a number of proprietary models and frameworks that can be tailored to suit any brand, category or challenge, so ultimately, we can create standout communications that connects brands and retailers with consumers and drives sales.

We have an experienced team of planners, creatives and designers who work with our models and frameworks daily, to deliver effective strategy, stand out commerce-centric campaigns, and design work that utilises best practice communication to the fullest. The toolkits we create for some of our biggest clients aren’t style over substance (although they do look great!). They’re packed full of shopper insights, decision journeys, communication approaches and touchpoint inspiration, so any marketeer can take that toolkit and produce best-in-class activations for their market.

Our newest model is the ‘Consumer Journey Hacker’. An innovative tool that shortcuts consumer indecision to ensure your brand or retailer is chosen in a sea of limitless choice.

We recognised that since the pandemic, and as online shopping has continued to grow, everything about how consumers discover, shop and buy has changed. Whilst the explosion of new commerce channels is hugely beneficial to brands and retailers, consumers can become easily overwhelmed by the tyranny of choice, and often suffer from decision paralysis.

Marketeers need to get better at understanding how the consumer journey has evolved, and decoding how consumers navigate their way through it, so that they can create reciprocal actions at every significant experience encountered along the consumer journey.

This is where our hacker comes in. Initials CX have done the hard work for you. Basing our approach on Google’s ‘messy middle’ and evolving it to take it beyond the realms of digital application into a more comprehensive offering that enables brands and retailers to compete in a world of convergent commerce.

Get in touch to run your own hack with us!